February 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | PLAN WITH ME

Hi y’all! Happy February! I can’t believe we’re already done with the first month of 2018. I’m so pleased with how this month’s spreads turned out, and I hope you enjoy!

Usually for February I’ll do a Valentine’s theme, but I wanted to do something different this year. This time I decided to go with a pink and red flower theme inspired by AmandaRachLee. While this theme isn’t about hearts, it still has that Valentine’s Day vibe with the red and pink flowers. Not exactly sure what kind of flowers these are, but I still love how my February cover page turned out! I had so much fun with it, and I like how it’s simple yet busy at the same time.

This is my monthly habit tracker. I decided to bring back the habit tracker for February because I’m starting the second semester and I want to make sure I’m living a healthier lifestyle. Although I haven’t been the best about using this in the past, I’m hoping my new goal of becoming a more active planner will make it easier to keep track of my habits. This will help me hit all the things I want to on a daily basis—like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, drinking water, exercising, studying, reading, and blogging.


This is my February monthly spread. I’m really pleased with how this spread turned out. I love how the flowers border the calendar and give the page  a pop of color without being too overwhelming. Honestly I’m really happy with how all my spreads turned out for February. The flowers were easy doodles to draw and they look really nice.


This is my first weekly spread for February, and I decided to go back to the vertical layout for school. Although I used this same layout last year, I decided to make the boxes longer and add the time on the side. This will allow me to actually plan when I’m going to do certain tasks. In the past I would write down my schedule and a to-do list for me to accomplish for the day. But just writing a to-do list didn’t really help me. Sometimes I’d only end up finishing 1-2 things on a list of 5-10. By adding the time, I’m hoping to allocate time for specific tasks in order to be more efficient and productive on a daily basis.

This is my February memories spread. It looks really bland right now, but it’ll be filled with pictures and doodles by the end of the month. Honestly the hardest part is figuring out which pictures I want to include in this spread. I was awful at taking pictures last year, but having a memories page helps remind me to take pictures of everything I do. Let me know if you ever what to see the end result, and I can maybe post something on instagram.

Hope you enjoyed my February Plan With Me! And I cannot wait to see what you come up with.

If you’re interested in starting your own bullet journal check out this blog post by twirling pages. You can also find more information on the bullet journal website.

Do you bullet journal?

would you want to try to bullet journal?

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10 thoughts on “February 2018 Bullet Journal Setup | PLAN WITH ME

  1. Rashika says:

    AMANDA. THESE SPREADS ARE SO GORGEOUS AND I AM SO ENVIOUS. I cannot draw/design for shit. I want to take up bullet journaling just because I am an extensive planner and like the ability to personalize that planning to my own tastes but I cannot make anything look pretty so I just stick to regular planners. I want to play around a little bit with designing but honestly, I really am no good at it.

    • Vivalabooks says:

      THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️ so sweet of you! And you should definitely try it out! My spreads when I first started were not good at all, and honestly you can make your bujo look however you want. Over time after a lot of experimentation, you find out what works for you & you can always draw inspiration from others. Hope you’re able to try it out!

  2. Topaz Winters says:

    Your spreads are so utterly gorgeous, oh my goodness! I must admit I’ve never tried bullet journalling — most of my life organisation exists in the Notes app on my phone, haha — but honestly, your designs & organisation are so beautiful that I’m almost a bit jealous. Here’s hoping you have a wonderful February, & I can’t wait to see March’s spreads ❤

    Topaz (Six Impossible Things)

    • Vivalabooks says:

      Thank you so much! You’re too sweet! And if you ever have some time, you should definitely try it out! The awesome thing about bullet journaling is that you have the freedom to make a planner that works best for you. Hope you have a wonderful February too!

    • Vivalabooks says:

      Thank you!! ❤ I'm honestly not the best artist, but I've always loved doodling. And what's great about bullet journaling is that it doesn't have to be perfect. Hope you have a great week too!

  3. Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity says:

    Oh my gosh, these pages are so beautiful!! *massive heart eyes*

    I really want to have a gorgeous bullet journal but I have zero artistic ability. So I know I would just be frustrated and disappointed with whatever I produced 😦 I did find a pre-done one, but I kind of want that hand-drawn quality. I wish people would make them on Etsy because I would totally buy them! Especially if they were as beautiful as yours.

    I would totally love to see the memories page at the end of February! I can’t wait to see more of your bujo journey 😀

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